In 2024, Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference (IMMC) gave congregations the ability to send up to two Youth & Young Adult delegates in addition to their other congregational delegates. We are are working on building up this program to support and encourage young voices to be a part of conference life and decision making. Find out how you can become a youth or young adult delegate or support those delegates in your congregation below.

Are you ready to be a Youth or Young Adult Delegate?

Resources & Downloads

Quick Reference Guide

This is a guide to help delegates understand more about Anabaptist leadership principles, discernment practices, and the process used by conference for bringing new ideas and initiatives.


Promo Package

This includes a PowerPoint, images, and other helpful material for promoting and recruiting Youth and Young Adult Delegates.


Guide for Congregations

This is a guide outlines information for congregations about youth & young adult delegates, the selection process for the congregation, and the expectations for delegates.


…more coming soon!