Welcome to weNote, a monthly collection of announcements and information we want to share with you and invite you to share within your congregation.


Joanne, Sharon, and Clayton will be at MennoCon July 3-8. We look forward to seeing some of you there! With this in mind, we may not be able to respond to emails and phone calls as quickly as usual. We thank you in advance for your patience.

Anabaptist Disabilities Network has published “Believing and Belonging: An Accessible Anabaptist Membership Curriculum” for youth and adults with intellectual disabilities. With captivating illustrations, activity-based learning, and an Anabaptist perspective, this is an important new tool for communities working towards full inclusion.

This curriculum has 36 lessons covering God’s first people, the story of Jesus, the story of the Early Church, Anabaptist beliefs and practices, and a discussion of baptism and membership. Each story features a captivating illustration by Dona Park or real-life photos that assist in understanding. Lessons also involve a “do” portion, with action-items that provide a learning through doing approach. “Believing and Belonging” is designed as a year-long preparation for a decision about baptism and church membership. The Teacher’s Edition includes tips and insights for teaching, as well as a guide for discerning next steps if the ability to choose baptism seems unclear.

“Believing and Belonging” is available for purchase at BrethrenPress.com.

This new program is designed to help pastors, lay leaders, community leaders and leaders of nonprofit
organizations increase their capacity to provide effective Anabaptist leadership in a variety of settings.

The modules focus on areas of administration, leadership, contextual engagement and well-being.
Participants can select those that are best suited to their needs and interests. These include:

  • Embracing Your Leadership Identity
  • Liderazago que edifica
  • Leadership Practices for Spiritual Vitality
  • Guide Your Congregation through Polarization
  • Practicing Resilience in Response to Trauma
  • Leading Congregations in Transition
  • Intercultural Inclusion: From Symbolic to Shared Power
  • Peacemaking through Curious Dialogue
  • Practices and Principles for Effective Boards
  • Creating a Healthy Congregational Culture

Learn more and register at ambs.edu/practical-leadership-training/

Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference Gathers for Annual Sessions 2023

GOSHEN, Indiana – Members of the Indiana–Michigan Mennonite Conference (IMMC) and partnering organizations gathered at Amigo Centre on June 9-10 for worship, fellowship, discernment, and retreat. The gathering consisted of 74 individuals in-person and 5 online, representing 22 of the 37 congregations that currently make up the conference.

The theme for this year’s Annual Sessions was Unity in Love based on Philippians 2:1-5. Cyneatha Millsaps (Mennonite Women USA) and Sharon Yoder (Conference Co-Minister for IMMC) preached on this passage, emphasizing the need for listening and relationship building that promotes unity over uniformity. Workshops featured equipping for congregational treasurers, worship and song leaders, and those exploring the idea of sabbath gardening.

Delegates were called together to discern two proposals brought by the Missional Leadership Team (MLT) of IMMC. In accordance with the removal of the Mennonite Church USA Member Guidelines (Kansas City, May 2023) the MLT were prompted to review IMMC’s policy on credentialing individuals in same-sex relationships. With 90.6% approval, the delegates affirmed the proposal which states that IMMC “…will not deny credentials to someone called to ministry in IMMC because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status. Congregations continue to be the deciding bodies about their pastoral leadership and thus can, without fear of interference, choose to call or not call as a pastor any person equipped for pastoral leadership as determined by the Credentialing Guidelines and the Ministry Credentialing Team.”

Additionally, with this change to the Renewing a Vision (RaV) document, delegates affirmed the MLT’s proposal to accept the summary version of the Renewing a Vision as the official vision and mission document of IMMC. The removed sections of the document will be lodged elsewhere so that the RaV document can focus on vision and mission only.

The gathering closed with worship and communion, celebrating the good work of God and the gathered body throughout their brief time together at Amigo Centre.

Download PDF of News Release

  • Mennonite Mission Network has several employment opportunities listed on their employment page.
  • Mennonite Education Agency lists openings throughout Mennonite-affiliated schools on their employment page.
  • Explore pastoral opportunities in Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference and beyond on MC USA’s  Pastoral Openings list.