Welcome to weNote, a monthly collection of announcements and information we want to share with you and invite you to share within your congregation.


Ministry Integrity Circles. Pastors, do you need help with ministry transitions or significant challenges? AMBS’s Ministry Integrity Circles program provides the support of consultants within a community of peers. We will be beginning two cohorts this fall: one will be meeting once in person Sept. 25-26 then three more times on Zoom. An all in-person cohort begins Oct. 23. Apply for the hybrid cohort by Aug. 25 and the in-person cohort by Sept. 23.  ambs.edu/integrity-circles

Transition to Leadership program. This two-year program guides and nurtures new pastors during the crucial first years of ministry through one-on-one mentoring, biannual Learning Events, and specialized coaching sessions throughout the year. The Fall 2023 cohort starts Nov. 9; apply by Oct. 9. ambs.edu/transition-to-leadership

Join us for an afternoon of inspiration at the Goshen Brewing Co. for a Business Tour and Tasting, presented by The Michiana MEDA Network Hub.  We’ll hear from Jesse Sensenig, founder and owner, about their start-up journey and the integration of values of faith, business and community development.  As part of the event, delve into the impactful initiatives of MEDA and our worldwide efforts to create business solutions to poverty.  Register at www.meda.org/events.

The Center for Congregations has 7 different options for workshops coming up this fall that will be available online (one will have passed by the time this comes out, sorry). There are things here for those involved in congregational leadership, pastoral ministry, and those who are looking to grow spiritually.

View the Fall Workshops

  • East Goshen Mennonite Church is seeking an Office Administrator. If interested, see this information and application.
  • North Goshen Mennonite Church is seeking a part-time administrative assistant. Hourly wage starts at $17.50. The position requires strong organizational and interpersonal skills, strong verbal and writing skills, the ability to learn to use various communication tools including social media, and a willingness to support the mission of NGMC along with a high regard for confidentiality and privacy concerns. Spanish language competency a plus. 10-15 hours per week. Contact Michael Yeakey if you are interested or know someone who may be.
  • Mennonite Mission Network has several employment opportunities listed on their employment page.
  • Mennonite Education Agency lists openings throughout Mennonite-affiliated schools on their employment page.
  • Explore pastoral opportunities in Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference and beyond on MC USA’s  Pastoral Openings list.