Welcome to weNote, a monthly collection of announcements and information we want to share with you and invite you to share within your congregation.


Calling all congregational delegates: it’s time to register for Spring Summits 2024. We are looking forward to our mid-year gathering for delegate discernment. Our theme for 2023-2024 comes from Isaiah 43:19, “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” With that in mind, we will have conversations on the new things God is doing in and through conference.

Both the in-person and virtual gatherings will involve discernment together around these new things. As usual, the Spending Plan for our next fiscal year will be presented for delegate reflection and comment. We will also be discerning a proposal for adding Youth and Young Adult Delegates. This will culminate in an official vote to adopt the proposal and invite youth and young adult delegates to summer delegate sessions.

You can learn more and register here.

As we continue to grow and live into the new things that God is doing in and through us, we have chosen to give Annual Sessions a new name the reflects the way in which we desire to be together for our annual gathering. We will have familiar elements of workshops and discerning in community, but we will also have celebratory worship and fellowship times!

This year we will be gathering in Indianapolis at Mara Christian Church of America, Indiana on June 7-8, 2024. More information will be released soon as plans and details come together. In the mean time, we hope you will add this to your calendar and plan to attend!

The Missional Seeds Club served as an important way for individuals to connect to the ministry and work of Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference. We are so grateful for the ways that people have partnered with the conference in this way and want to continue to build upon these relationships as we look toward the new things God is doing in and among us.

We know that this is an important way of connecting and relating to individuals but believe it is time to refresh the language we use. Donating to IMMC has never been easier than it is right now and we want to make sure everyone knows that they can be involved in this way. We have chosen to adopt the new name weGive partially because it matches other conference offerings (like weLink, weNote, and wePray) but mostly because of the way it emphasizes that even the individual gifts are part of a collective effort we all can be part of. Whether you have a one-time gift, you’re an occasional giver, or you’re among our monthly donors, you can be a part of weGive, too!

Learn more here and consider IMMC in your personal giving plan for 2024!