We are looking forward to another opportunity to gather together as a community of congregations at the 2025 Spring Summits. We will have two options to engage, each with nearly identical content, to choose from depending on your availability and preferences.
We will gather in-person on March 15 at 9:30am at Belmont Mennonite Church (Elkhart, IN) and online on March 22 at 9:00am on Zoom. Each will feature story-telling from the Civil Rights Pilgrimage, conversations on growing our intercultural witness, discernment around the Spending Plan, and fellowship. Congregational delegates are highly encouraged to participate so that we can get your input on the work we’re doing as a conference, but anyone is welcome to register and join us for this event.
You can register for the Spring Summits using the button below. Registration is free, but we will be collecting donations for lunch for those attending in-person on March 15. Please register by March 6 for the in-person Spring Summit. You can also find more information using the button below.
Learn more and register
In 2024, Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference (IMMC) gave congregations the ability to send up to two Youth & Young Adult delegates in addition to their other congregational delegates. We are are working on building up this program to support and encourage young voices to be a part of conference life and decision making. Find out how you can become a youth or young adult delegate or support those delegates in your congregation below.
More information and resources are available at im.mennonite.net/yyad
Join Nancy Kauffmann, the interim denominational minister of Church Safety for MC USA, and Laurel Neufeld Weaver, MSW field director and assistant professor of Social Work at Bluffton University, as they discuss how survivors interpret their faith community when trauma occurs within the church. They will also hear from Courageous Women, a support group for survivors based in Illinois. Intérprete al español disponible.
Register Here
Learn more about Safe Church
In the face of our divisive political environment, this excellent resource from John Paul Lederach. The Pocket Guide for Facing Down a Civil War: Surprising ideas from everyday people who shifted the cycles of violence looks at the divisive polarization that has been developing in the United States and offers approaches that lead toward social healing.
“The Pocket Guide does not offer quick fixes. Rather, it explores the way ordinary people resisted and countered patterns of violence in their communities. Their curiosity, persistence, and creative innovation suggest that to face down a civil war and heal long-standing wounds that stoke cycles of violence, people must resist the pull of toxic polarization that legitimates violence as the only option. The challenge is to innovate pockets of vitality that embody the basic idea that politics without violence where we live is possible.”
Learn more and download the free eBook here.