One of the priorities for the conference, discerned and affirmed by delegates in 2021, is Growing our Intercultural Witness. As Martin Luther King Jr. Day approaches, we wanted to recommend some resources and events that could be a meaningful way to observe the holiday.
- Goshen College hosts an all-school study day that emphasizes the values and ideals that characterized King’s work.
- AMBS Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Program will focus on the forthcoming documentary and book What Happened at Benham West: African American Stories of Community, Displacement and Hopes in the City of Elkhart.
- The King Center’s Martin Luther King Jr. Beloved Community Commemorative Service will be live-streamed on Facebook,YouTube, and their website.
- Indiana University Social Justice Conference: A Journey Toward True Education features keynote sessions and seminars that are available online on a variety of topics (registration required).
- The National Civil Rights Museum presents King Day: A Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday: a showcase Dr. King’s work, his legacy, and how we can become a more Beloved Community on the national holiday.
Ongoing Work & Resources
- MC USA’s Anti-racism Resources
- MCC’s Resources for Anti-Racism Education
- Article: This church is paying ‘royalties’ when it sings spirituals composed by enslaved Africans
We pray for God’s wisdom and strength as we endeavor toward growing our intercultural competence as a conference, as congregations, and as individual followers of Jesus.