- God’s promise to refresh and renew! “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” (Isaiah 43:19) This scripture will guide our conference work in the coming year.
- The visioning work of Missional Leadership Team (our conference board) at our annual retreat August 4-5. We reflected on when IN-MI Mennonite Conference was at its best, what has kept us involved with conference, and what possibilities have the power to inspire and transform us.
- The warm welcome for interim pastoral team Steve Slagel and Sean Swanson at Kern Road Mennonite Church on August 6. Sharon Yoder and congregational coach Phil Waite led in a commissioning of pastoral team.
- Joanne is excited to start her Doctor of Ministry Courses at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis next week.