- God’s extravagance through congregational and individual donors during the month of June 2023. Donor contributions in June totaled $61,299.50, which was 28% of the total congregational and individual giving for our fiscal year. This allowed us to end the year with $2668 of income over expenses. We may have done a few happy dances as we celebrated your display of support for our conference!! As we celebrate, we will continue to plan carefully for the coming year.
- Sophie Lapp Jost and her ministry at Bammental Heidelburg Mennonite Church in Germany. Sophie will be ordained at College Mennonite on Sunday July 16; Joanne Gallardo will officiate the ordination.
- The eager YES from Hudson Lake congregational members Marcella Hershberger and Marcia Carpenter to serve as co-pastors of their congregation. This call developed during the recent transitional ministry led by Becky Helmuth. Sharon Yoder and congregational coach Ruben Chupp will participate in a joint farewell for Becky and installation for Marcella and Marcia on July 30.