Welcome to weNote, a monthly collection of announcements and information we want to share with you and invite you to share within your congregation.


On Tuesday, October 26, at 8:00 p.m., Anabaptist History Today and TourMagination are hosting a webinar entitled “Racial Harm and Harmony Among Mennonites.”

In this session, Tobin Miller Shearer, Professor of African American History at the University of Montana, will provide context on some historic documents that show attempts and failures at racial reconciliation.

Also, hear from John Powell about the Minority Ministries Council formed in 1969 to represent Mennonites of color in the (old) Mennonite Church and his continued work for racial justice. John is a former Mennonite pastor and administrator, and a civil rights activist. In break-out groups with a facilitator, discuss how Anabaptists can play a meaningful part in the hard work of racial justice and reconciliation.

See more details and register for the free webinar at https://tourmagination.com/events/

Press Release from Bethany Christian Schools, October 15, 2021:

We are excited to announce the addition of 1st and 2nd grades for fall 2022 at Bethany!  These additions continue to move us closer to our goal of offering a complete Bethany education– from kindergarten through high school graduation.

While adding classes for younger children, we will increase our emphasis on outdoor, artistic and hands-on educational experiences. Screen time and test prep can get in the way of these opportunities, so we like to keep them to a minimum for our young students.

“We are proud to have a long history providing excellent education to youth in Elkhart County” said Head of School Tim Lehman. “We are excited that this strong foundation can now start in first grade. ”

This year we added a third grade for the first time, hiring a teacher with an impressive background in Waldorf education, Karin Fast. Ms. Fast brings valuable artistic and active learning expertise from her 7 years of experience as a Waldorf teacher of elementary grades. 

“We hire teachers whose teaching philosophies reflect Bethany’s values, who partner with parents to help students thrive in the educational setting, and create learning environments in which students are excited to attend school each day”  said Mr. Lehman. “We believe that students flourish when teachers have the freedom to plan lessons creatively and are given time to address students’ social and academic needs.”

Mr. Friesen and Mrs. Hochstetler have already built a strong reputation among young families over the past decade, often causing their grades to be fully enrolled.  

“It’s never fun to turn families away due to lack of space in a grade,” said Admissions Director Vanessa Adcock.  “I’m hopeful that adding younger grades will mean families find us even sooner, and we can eventually provide two sections of our elementary grades. I am excited to welcome new families, schedule tours and help families learn how to reserve a seat in grades one to five!”

We offer several opportunities for prospective families and students to visit Our campus. To see those opportunities please visit bethanycs.net/visitbcs/.

At Bethany we have always prioritized learning that transcends testable measures, and a newly updated vision statement reflects this emphasis. Our vision calls for developing faith through Christian discipleship, growing learning through holistic education and practicing community by building relationships.

Bethany Christian Schools accepts students of all faiths and welcomes students of diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. School Choice Scholarships and generous financial aid make Bethany accessible to more students than ever before. Tuition costs are based on a sliding scale, tailored to each family’s circumstance. Bethany is currently enrolling in all grades 1-12. Contact the admissions office to learn more and schedule a visit at admissions@bethanycs.net, bethanycs.net, or 574-534-2567.

To learn more about Bethany, please visit bethanycs.net

Goshen College’s Study-Service Theology Term (SSTT) is currently inviting high school applicants for a two-week study experience in Guatemala in June 2022. Participants are selected through a competitive application process and will be drawn from students from any Christian denominational group in the United States who have completed their sophomore, junior or senior year by June 2022, with priority given to students from African-American or Latino communities. The deadline to apply is October 31, 2021. Learn more at goshen.edu/sstt

Each year an ecumenical cohort of 18 pastors is admitted into a two year experience of Contemplative Renewal through the Ecumenical Center for Clergy Spiritual Renewal (ECCSR).

This is a great opportunity for pastors with 3-15 years of ordained congregational ministry to experience the hospitality and monastic rhythms of Holy Wisdom Monastery, an ecumenical Benedictine monastery outside of Madison, WI.

You can find out more information and apply here.

The ECCSR is funded by a Lilly Endowment Thriving in Ministry grant.