Welcome to weNote, a monthly collection of announcements and information we want to share with you and invite you to share within your congregation.


Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference is having our Annual Pastor Gathering on Nov 6-8 at Amigo Centre. If you are a pastor, we hope you’re able to come. If you are not a pastor, we encourage you to nudge those pastors in your life to consider attending.

This year’s Pastor Gathering will be more about retreat and conversation. The theme, “Paths in the Wilderness,” comes from our 2023-24 theme verse, Isaiah 43:19: “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” We hope that this time of retreat will be a welcomed break but also provide guidance and hope for the way ahead.

Find out more information and register today!

In recent years, many congregational leaders have faced mounting tension and deepening division within their congregations, not to mention their wider communities. This has pastors and laypersons alike asking how exactly to lead in such a time as this and how to respond to the harms they and their people are experiencing. 

The Shalom Collaboratory at Eastern Mennonite Seminary is developing new training programs for theologically informed conflict transformation skills. 

In these workshops, webinars, and short courses, participants will learn how to implement an adaptive leadership approach to transform conflicts in the creative spirit of Godly imagination, incorporate strategies for trauma awareness and resilience into their congregational practices, or take up other practical approaches to the troubles our congregations now routinely encounter.

Register Today for one of the following workshops:

Let’s have real discussions of what it means to live out our faith (or not) in the public schools. What do you do about the pledge of allegiance? What other issues stand in the way of peaceful witness in our schools? Mennonite Public Educators is a group that brings together Mennonite teachers and other education professionals who work in a public school setting in the US or Canada for mutual encouragement, support, and learning. For more information or to receive the RSVP link, contact info@MennoniteEducation.org.

  • East Goshen Mennonite Church is seeking an Office Administrator. If interested, see this information and application.
  • North Goshen Mennonite Church is seeking a part-time administrative assistant. Hourly wage starts at $17.50. The position requires strong organizational and interpersonal skills, strong verbal and writing skills, the ability to learn to use various communication tools including social media, and a willingness to support the mission of NGMC along with a high regard for confidentiality and privacy concerns. Spanish language competency a plus. 10-15 hours per week. Contact Michael Yeakey if you are interested or know someone who may be.
  • Mennonite Mission Network has several employment opportunities listed on their employment page.
  • Mennonite Education Agency lists openings throughout Mennonite-affiliated schools on their employment page.
  • Explore pastoral opportunities in Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference and beyond on MC USA’s  Pastoral Openings list.