By Duane Yoder, member of MLT and IMMC Treasurer

This month MLT has been focused on the Conference Pastor Job Description. We conducted a survey to evaluate the essential functions and competencies that are important for the position. We are also gathering information from the Area Councils to broaden the perspective of the needs and concerns related to the position and qualities to look for in individuals that might apply.

The Conference Pastor’s role has evolved through the changing times of IMMC. The focus is on current realities in our conference and the vision for intercultural competency that is needed for the future. Through prayer and discernment, we are committed to defining the position and identifying the qualities of the person needed to fill that position.

The first step to forming a search committee is the selection of a chairperson. The chairperson will then assist in the process of selecting search committee members. We are working towards the goal of posting the position and receiving applications in December 2020.

We appreciate your prayers, counsel, and assistance as we go through the process of finding the next Conference Pastor.

  • While the reality of COVID-19 is frustrating and depressing, and impacting more of us as infections spread, we know that God is good all the time. In this month of November, we invite everyone to pause and be aware of God’s good gifts even in this time. Give thanks to the Lord. Research shows those who share what they have tend to feel more satisfied – who can you share with?
  • IMMC’s first Election Day Communion service on Zoom! Many thanks to the CAMFell leaders who spearheaded the idea, those who helped the service come into being, and those from north to south who participated. Nearly 100 people registered, with a wonderful mix of individuals, couples, and families with children. Participants expressed great appreciation for the service, with some asking for more conference-worship times on Zoom.
  • the third installment of the webinar series with Nekiesha Alexis. Having laid a foundation in the first two sessions, Nekeisha began turning toward practical steps for congregations. The fourth and final session is on December 8.
  • the work of Missional Leadership Team (MLT). Missional Leadership Team is IMMC’s governing board. It meets approximately every other month to oversee direction, monitor the use of conference resources in service to the vision, offer a big picture perspective and supervise the conference pastor. Two major agenda items this year are intercultural competence work and the conference pastor search.


  • Brenda Meyer, Naomi Yoder and Dan Miller attended the virtual sessions of Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) on October 16 and 17. Watch for a report next week.
  • This week, November 9-11, should have included the annual Pastor Gathering at Amigo Centre in Sturgis, MI. It became a victim of the pandemic. We grieve the loss of this time to gather in person. We are constantly looking for new ways to connect when we can’t be together in person.
  • This month a small group of MI pastors and leaders began studying Efrem Smith’s book, The Post-Black and Post-White Church: Becoming the Beloved Community in a Multi-Ethnic World. The group meets via Zoom.
  • In October, Sharon had contact with eight congregations in various stages of leadership transitions.
  • Four congregations are actively searching for new pastoral leadership. One recently named a candidate-of-choice to serve as their next pastoral leader and another – after months of prayerful waiting – recently learned they have a pastoral applicant.
  •  Trained search guides continue to volunteer their time, offering a listening ear, an outside perspective, and an ongoing conference presence in pastoral search process.
  • Looking for a next step?–Have you been participating in the monthly webinar series with Nekeisha Alexis, and wonder about a next step? Or were you not able to participate and still wonder what you might do?

    •  Mennonite Church USA has made arrangements with Widerstand Consulting to make anti-racism tutorials available to Mennonite Church USA congregations for a year at reduced cost. Information and pricing is available here. Tobin Miller Shearer is a long-time advocate and educator.


Our income varies from month to month and October was the month with low income.  In spite of the income of only $8,228 for October we are $23,729 above expenses for the year.  Thank you for your contributions.- Jim Norton, IMMC Bookkeeper

Bethany Christian Schools to add third grade class

Bethany Christian Schools announces the addition of a third grade class, currently enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year.

Adding this grade allows Bethany to begin its strategic movement towards serving the community as an independent school for students in kindergarten through 12. Bethany is a dynamic learning community in which students are known, loved and prepared for their journey beyond school. Up until now, Bethany has served grades 4-12.

“This is a great opportunity for more students to be part of a community where teachers creatively develop student’s strengths, and faith is explored in a safe environment,” said Rex Hochstedler, chair of the Bethany board and current Bethany parent. 

The third graders will join fourth and fifth grade as part of the lower school, which emphasizes hands-on experiential learning with a focus on the fine arts, outdoor education, field trips, and a lively learning environment  that make the Bethany experience unique. 

Small class sizes allow students and teachers to connect on a deeper level. Because of this, students can grow and be challenged in a safe environment at Bethany—all the way through their senior year.

A parent of a current fourth grader emphasizes the importance of these connections saying, “You just feel like you’re cared for from the faith perspective, but also that people are really invested in your child’s development.”

Bethany welcomes new inquiries and applications from interested 3rd grade families.   Learn more at and set up an Enrollment Consultation with Enrollment Director Trish Yoder at

This exciting news comes on the heels of the completion of the Great Strides Capital Campaign and announcement of a planned groundbreaking to take place later this school year in the spring of 2021. Read more about the reenvisioned athletic complex here.