Dan Miller, our conference pastor, announced to the Missional Leadership Team (MLT), and then subsequently to the IMMC delegates this past September, of his intention to conclude his role in Summer 2021. Since then, the MLT has reviewed the job description and invited the wisdom of delegates and other leaders via a survey and conversations as we consider our future. We have also sought to assemble a search committee to begin its work in January 2021. Our plan is to offer a more detailed update on the transition next week. But for now, I would like to share personally how I have experienced this process so far.

 Some of you know that I consider myself a “Spirit man” and have joked at times that if I had to pick a favorite aspect of the Triune God that it would be the Holy Spirit. Though the conference pastor search process is far from over, I have been truly amazed at the Holy Spirit’s leading. I am grateful for excellent MLT leaders who desire to be attentive to that leading as we consider the future of IMMC and the make-up of this position. The Spirit has not disappointed me as we have listened to leaders and delegates within our conference, and each other.

 It is not always easy to “know” how or when the Spirit shows up, but I will offer one example. There have been times when an MLT member suggested a good idea. But as the team grappled with complex realities surrounding that good idea, often an even better idea emerged that more fully incorporated or addressed those complexities! 

 There is more that I could share, but for now, this brief glimpse must do. The MLT has one more meeting later this week, and then we expect to share an update with you next week. Please stay tuned.  –Bob Yoder, IMMC Moderator

Is your congregation looking for a next step in undoing racism?

IMMC offers financial support for congregations using Widerstand’s online Anti-racism training.
For congregations who purchase one-year access to Widerstand Consulting’s online Anti-Racism curriculum, IMMC offers a two-stage reimbursement. A check for $100 will be sent when a congregation informs the office they have purchased access. A check for $150 will be sent when the congregation’s leadership team sends the plan developed through the curriculum. Cost for the curriculum varies according to congregational size. The cost for a year’s access to the online curriculum for a congregation of 100 or less is $250. See info sheet for details.

* Advent and the time of anticipation ahead of Christmas. That Jesus came as a baby into a world in need of salvation. May your congregation experience moments of awe and wonder on this journey to Bethlehem.

* the life and ministry of Terry Zehr, recently serving as Pastor of Senior Ministries at Waterford Mennonite. He had previously served as pastor at Sunnyside Mennonite in Elkhart. Terry died November 25, having walked with cancer for 14 years. An obituary is available here.

* that Velma Swartz could return to her former role, now serving as interim Pastor of Senior Ministries at Waterford Mennonite.  

* the Voices Together Dedication Launch on Zoom, December 13, 5-7 pm. Click for more information.

* a subgroup of Stewardship Team that spent a Friday afternoon looking over the finances to answer questions about best practices in bookkeeping and how to record uncommon entries.

* the four-session webinar series with Nekiesha Alexis, Built Together: A Foundation Series. The last session featured storytelling about the work of intercultural competence and anti-racism in two congregations. Many thanks to Nekeisha!

* the work of Gifts Development Team (GDT). Gifts Development Team catalyzes a “culture of call” in conference and member congregations. With help from delegates and others, GDT identifies gifted individuals to serve on IMMC leadership teams. GDT has been busy the last several years trying to help IMMC leadership teams to look like IMMC constituency.

* The annual December gathering of MC Canada and MC USA area church/conference ministers was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns. There was a resourcing event with Brad Jersak on “A Christlike Approach to Leading Polarized People.” Dan Miller joined that event.

* Anabaptist Youth Leaders meet on the third Thursday of each month. They are currently meeting on Zoom. For information about joining this creative group of leaders to reflect on ministry with youth and young adults, contact Merle Hostetler at merle@eastgoshenmc.org.

* Search guides met with Sharon Yoder via zoom on November 16 for their annual refresher meeting. We were encouraged to hear stories of God’s faithfulness in pastoral search processes.

* Belmont Mennonite search committee, together with their leadership team, recently introduced their pastoral candidate through a variety of creative virtual settings and a drive-by meet-and-greet.   

 * Several search committees continue the prayerful process of reviewing MLIs and discerning how to move forward with pastoral applicants. We invite you to continue holding them in prayer, for God’s Wisdom to guide them. 

For the month of November our income was $2,373 above expectations and $2,321 above expenses.  Year to date we are $14,644 above budget due to income from the Payroll Protection Program of over $17,000. –Jim Norton, IMMC bookkeeper

  • RETREAT TO AMIGO: If you are looking for a way to get out of the house and have a safe place to stay, consider coming to Amigo! By using the Retreat Center and West Shore Lodge we have created six small designated suites to limit contact with people outside of your group. Meals and staff led activities available, and limited access to the Activity Center. When’s the last time you just sat and listened to the birds, Sandhill cranes and geese communicating around a lake… or watched the chipmunks and squirrels play… it’s very entertaining! Bring your family and we will provide the space for you to relax and play. Call 269-651-2811 or email us at info@amigocentre.org
  • 2020 has been a year full of challenges….bring the year to a close with a memory making evening December 28-31 at Amigo Centre:
    • come reflect with your family around a campfire
    • share with one another about the hard spaces you have navigated
    • toss sticks in the fire to represent the difficult things to let go of as 2020 draws to an end
    • reflect with each other on the blessings you’ve experienced in 2020
    • celebrate with some hot chocolate and freshly baked cookies from Amigo.
    • as the moon rises, share your hopes and dreams for 2021.
    • Reserve your spot by calling 269-651-2811 or email cheryl@amigocentre.org
  • April 12, 19, 26, 2020, an online Transitional Ministry Training will be held for individuals interested in pursuing this type of ministry. Transitional ministry offers a unique gift in a congregation’s life. Whether a change in pastor comes because of conflict, retirement, shrinking numbers and weariness, or questions of congregational viability, transitional ministry walks alongside a congregation while it answers questions of mission, courage and transformation.  Visit tmt.amigocentre.org for additional information, or contact Amigo Centre at 269.651.2811 or mandy@amigocentre.org
  • SAVE THE DATE! 23nd Annual Camper Scholarship Amigo Centre Golf Scramble will be June 5, 2021 at 8 am. Registration to come soon. If you are interested in joining and want registration information feel free to contact Amigo Centre at 269-651-2811 to have your name added to the list.
  • Summer Camp 2021 registration is open! Also, if you’re 18 or older we have started our summer staff recruiting. Let us know if you’re interested in working as a counselor or providing leadership to our programming. Contact colton@amigocentre.orgfor more information.
  • Scrapbooking, Crafting and Sewing retreat update: we are currently only able to accommodate small groups. Instead of our normal large gatherings, the scheduled dates are limited due to providing all participants with a single room. We set groups of friends up in smaller areas to work (masks are still required inside). Dates outside our already scheduled retreats are possible!  Call for availability – 269-651-2811.
  • Amigo Bike Michiana scheduled for October 8-10, 2021. Our speaker will be Dr. Sibonokuhle Ncubefounding Executive Director/National Coordinator of the Brethren in Christ Compassionate and Development Services in Zimbabwe, currently studying at AMBS. In fall of 2018, Dr. Ncube was part of a Global South Voice Speaking Tour of the Great Lakes region, co-sponsored by MCC and the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions. Here’s a story about our project: https://mcc.org/stories/addressing-conflict-caused-limited-resource Visit our web site for registration and additional information.

Amigo Programming Updates

  • Women and Girls’ RetreatMarch 19-21, 2021 has been cancelled. We have plans in process for a new date in 2022.