AMBS Doctor of Ministry Grant

Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) is launching the first Doctor of Ministry program in the USA that is deliberately rooted in Anabaptist theology. We are delighted to promote this by offering a $2000 grant per year, for three years, for IMMC pastors who...

From the Missional Leadership Team

I love stories. Our patterns of life are shaped by our stories. As faith communities, we arrange our memories, experiences, and central values into corresponding stories that define our corporate identity and purpose. Our shared stories form a narrative that is...


The interest in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion work in our conference, and the engaging conversation with Ben Tapper, who led our webinar on October 8 entitled Diversity isn’t Enough.Sharon Norton’s ordination at Walnut Hill Mennonite Church, with Sharon Yoder...


Leadership teams of IN-MI conference gathered with energy at College Mennonite Church on Friday evening and Saturday morning in mid-September. Goals were to build community, to define leadership vision and mission, and to build capacity for intercultural...

Credentialing and Leadership Development

LET is continuing to plan for the Pastors Gathering, taking place at Camp Amigo November 8-10.LET hosted a training session for congregational coaches on October 12, with Sharon Yoder sharing about the role of search guides in pastoral search processes.Healthy...