Financial Report

Financial Report

We are still busy with year end calculations and reporting and do not yet have it finalized. We will include the financial report in an upcoming communication.
Five Things Friday

Five Things Friday

This month, Conference Co-Minister Joanne Gallardo reflects on what it means to be patriotic in her article Five things Friday roundup: How to actually be patriotic.
Job Posting

Job Posting

Now Hiring a Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry! College Mennonite Church seeks an individual who brings relational and administrative gifts to the task of walking with our congregation in the area of youth and children’s ministry. See the job description here....
Juneteenth 2024

Juneteenth 2024

We recognize the importance of observing Juneteenth and encourage each of you to find ways to observe this in your own community or to learn the history of this important day. One place to begin your learning is in this article written by Wilma A. Bailey, Ph.D, in...


“Renewal is in the Air!” We boldly proclaimed this expectation during the first call to worship at Summer Fest ’24. And we truly experienced God’s Spirit inviting us to new ways of living and being together as a conference. Thanks be to God! We are deeply grateful for...


Group games, lawn games, hymn sing, creating worship art, and breaks from sessions created meaningful spaces to interact with one another at Summer Fest ’24. We were grateful for the opportunity to connect with youth and young adult delegates this year. Joanne joined...