

God’s Spirit movement among us at our Annual Sessions gathering June 9-10 at Amigo Centre. Experiencing God in nature, in worship, and in our conversations together was a great blessing! Clayton Gladish’s amazing attention to detail as he coordinated every aspect of...


Joanne and Sharon met with Fairhaven Mennonite leaders via zoom on May 16 to discuss congregational coach possibilities and pastoral leadership needs for their congregation. Joanne attended STAR (Strategies for Trauma and Resilience) training through EMU’s Center for...
Credentialing and Leadership Development

Credentialing and Leadership Development

Ministry Credentialing Team (MCT) had meaningful conversation with Sophie Lapp Jost, hearing her reflections about her pastoral ministry and upcoming ordination. Sophie is a pastor at Bammental Mennonite Church in Germany and will be ordained by Joanne Gallardo at...
Financial Update

Financial Update

In light of last month’s report, the above, and the discussion at Annual Sessions, we want to celebrate that we have received contributions from congregations and individuals this week that will significantly close the gap between income and expenses.
From Amigo Centre

From Amigo Centre

Summer Camp: June 18-July 28 Day camp, overnight camp, and family camp options are still available. Registration for summer camp is now live. Click here to register with our new and streamlined camp management system. If you have any questions about summer...
Five Things Friday

Five Things Friday

Conference Co-Minister Joanne Gallardo writes monthly for the Anabaptist World. Recently. Joanne highlights five LGBTQ and Black-owned businesses founded by Black and queer leaders in the latest edition of the series. Read more in her article on Five Things Friday...