Five Things Friday Roundup

Five Things Friday Roundup

This month, Joanne Gallardo’s Five Things Friday Roundup draws attention to Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 to Oct. 15). Check out it out here.
MennoMedia and Everence Partner to provide virtual sessions

MennoMedia and Everence Partner to provide virtual sessions

MennoMedia is hosting a virtual workshop featuring input from consultants at Everence. Join us on September 21 for a session titled Strategic Generosity: Maximizing your charitable impact. In this time together we will begin to explore different tools that you might...
Parents of LGBTQ+ Children Group Resumes

Parents of LGBTQ+ Children Group Resumes

The Support Group for parents with children of all ages who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community will resume meeting on Saturday, September 16th from 9:00-11:00 am in the library at Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship. Feel free to invite anyone you know who might...


God’s promise to refresh and renew! “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” (Isaiah 43:19) This scripture will guide our conference work in the coming year. The visioning work...


Elkhart area Mennonite Churches worshipped together at Island Park in Elkhart on July 30. Pastors and leaders collaborated to plan the joint worship service and invited Cyneatha Millsaps to bring the message. During the month of July, Sharon had contact with 11...
Credentialing and Leadership Development

Credentialing and Leadership Development

SAVE THE DATE: Healthy Boundaries 201 will be offered by Nancy Kauffmann and Michael Danner on November 6. This hybrid event will be held at Amigo and on zoom. Watch for registration information. Other trainings are available here: Healthy Boundaries Training |...