MMN Zoom Information Nights

MMN Zoom Information Nights

Register your youth group to meet via Zoom with Mission Network staff to find out about all the enriching growth experiences awaiting volunteers ages 15-22. From international learning trips to domestic service terms, Youth...
Christmas Open House

Christmas Open House

Thank you for supporting IMMC through relationships, prayer, and financial gifts. As a token of our appreciation we would like to invite you to enjoy some fellowship and refreshments with us on Wednesday, December 20 from 1-3pm at our offices located in East Goshen...
Save the Date: Spring Summits 2024

Save the Date: Spring Summits 2024

We are already looking forward to our Spring Summits. We will have worship, a guest speaker, and some energizing topics of discussion! The In-person version will be on March 9 will be hosted at Prairie Street Mennonite Church (Elkhart, IN) and the Virtual Option will...


Your generous financial gifts, which make it possible for IMMC staff to continue supporting congregational pastors and lay leaders. Our aim for Giving Tuesday was to generate new and/or returning donors and you helped us meet our goal! We are deeply grateful! Carmen...


Joanne preached via Zoom at Wildwood Mennonite Church on November 19th. Joanne continues to meet with members of our leadership teams for debrief sessions for the Intercultural Development Inventory Joanne met with Goshen, Elkhart, Swanee, and Youth Pastor clusters....
Credentialing and Leadership Development 

Credentialing and Leadership Development 

The Ministry Credentialing Team recently hosted two credentialing conversations (ordination for Carmen Horst and License toward Ordination for Osée Tshiwape and a meet-and-greet with Maria Hosler Byler. Carmen was ordained at Walnut Hill; Maria recently began serving...