Save the Date: Amigo Women and Girls Retreat is scheduled for March 18-20, 2021. Speaker is Leandrea Lange from New Foundation United in Christ Fellowship, Elkhart, Indiana. Theme: God Brings Peace in the Storm. The worship team from Yellow Creek Mennonite Church...
Bethany Christian Schools Hires Elementary Principal Bethanny Christian Schools in Goshen announces the creation of a position to lead their newly expanded elementary school. Current Bethany 6th grade teacher, Juanita Hershberger has accepted the position of...
Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship is looking to hire a pastor or pastors to join the congregation’s pastoral team. Depending on potential candidates’ gifts and availability, this job description (1.0 FTE) may be adapted to create two or more positions. View the job...
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Individuals maydonate online. Missional Seeds Giving Club is another opportunity for individuals to participate financially in the mission of the conference: Missional Seeds Brochure