Employment Opportunities

Bethany Christian Schools is Hiring a Sixth grade teacher. Find out more information here. Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship is looking to hire a pastor or pastors to join the congregation’s pastoral team. Depending on potential candidates’ gifts and availability,...
8th Annual Great Lakes Deaf Men’s Gathering

8th Annual Great Lakes Deaf Men’s Gathering

Deaf men or hearing men who know ASL are welcome to the retreat on June 3-5, 2022 at Bambi Lake Conference Center Roscommon, MI. The theme is “The Lord is my Shepherd” and the featured speaker is Jerry Sanders. For more information and to register, see...
La Posada Seeks Immigrant Attorney and Legal Assistant

La Posada Seeks Immigrant Attorney and Legal Assistant

La Posada provides immigration resources through written materials, legal counsel, and referrals in a faith-based context that is experienced as welcoming and safe and focused on serving our vulnerable neighbors. Read more about the positions available at La Posada...
Living Matthew 25

Living Matthew 25

Coalition of churches, nonprofits, and community groups unite for 25 events during Lent to help the hungry, oppressed, imprisoned, and poor. SOUTH BEND — A dynamic coalition of area churches, nonprofit organizations, and community groups have come together to...
The Soil & Seed Project, Vol 2 Coming Soon!

The Soil & Seed Project, Vol 2 Coming Soon!

Anabaptist artists offer free faith formation resource for Lent, Easter Second volume of music and faith formation resources provided at no-cost to over 1,500 families HARRISONBURG, Virginia: The Soil and the Seed Project today announced the upcoming release...