A word from MLT…

God moves in mysterious ways! A phrase that resonates with me at different points in my experience on MLT. In December I wrote about the search process for “a” Conference Pastor. The delegates in January affirmed a new leadership model of Co-Conference Pastors. The...

Regional Meetings- March 20th

The second delegate meeting is March 20 on Zoom. Delegates and other interested individuals register by March 19 at https://2021regionalmeetings.eventbrite.com. Bring a warm drink and enjoy some music as we begin! Also bring along elements for communion during...

Annual Sessions 2021

SAVE THE DATE: Annual Sessions 2021, June 18th and 19th. We are pleased to invite you to Annual Sessions 2021 which will take place at the serene surroundings of the Amigo Centre in Sturgis, Michigan. At this time, we are planning to gather virtually on Friday...


the first delegate meeting held March 6, for the times of interaction and the useful feedback about MLT’s proposed steps for intercultural and antiracism work. 42 people attended. that Richard Kauffman recently began serving as interim pastor at Berkey Avenue...


Constituency Leaders Council meets March 12-13 on Zoom. Brenda Meyer, Steve Slagel and Dan Miller are attending from IMMC. Mennonite Church USA executive board decided to hold biennial delegate sessions online due to covid concerns, and with a shortened agenda. Some...

Credentialing and Leadership Development

 Healthy Boundaries Seminars are required for credentialed leaders in active ministry in IMMC conference. The Mennonite Church USA office is offering 4 trainings in 2021 for $25 each: 101 seminars on March 27 and September 18; and a 201 on self-care June 19 and a 201...

IMMC Conference Pastor Search

Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference (IMMC) is seeking a part-time pastor for the Conference Pastor team. If you are energized by working with pastors and leaders, visioning a new future for the Conference, dismantling racism, supporting diversity, and listening for...

Gifts Development Team- Youth Delegate Nominees

The IMMC Gifts Development Team invites nominations of young people, 16-21 years old, for two step-up delegates representing IMMC to the Mennonite Church USA delegate assembly. Please send suggestions and a short explanation to the imoffice@im.mennonite.net. The...

MEA Seeking Executive Director

Mennonite Education Agency is seeking an Executive Director. Would you, or someone you know, be a good candidate for this position? The MEA Executive Director has a deep commitment to a Christ-centered Anabaptist understanding of faith and life. They: Anticipate needs...

Financial Update

The income for February was $6,071 below expectations and $1,840 below expenses.  For the year to date the income is $11,863 below expectations but $3,774 above expenses.  Thank you for your contributions.- Jim Norton, IMMC...

Bethany Christian Schools

Spring Musical tickets on sale now-BCHS presents Little Women. Bethany Christian Schools hires third grade teacher-Lower School Open House to meet Ms. Fast scheduled for March 28. Donna Minter (’76) works for truth, mercy, justice and peace in Minneapolis-Winter...

Updates from Amigo

Our next Full Moon Campfire event is scheduled for March 27 and 28. Call to make your reservations! We filled up in February, so call soon to hold your spot. March 27, 2021, from 1-3 pm – sign up for our “Orienteering 101” course, led by Cheryl Mast. This session will...