A word from MLT…

What does it mean to be rooted or grounded? Every healthy community is grounded by their story, inherited and experienced. Being rooted, on the other hand, means something different. Roots are safe, secure, and provide nourishment to a plant. However, roots can also...


* the Spirit of God that raised Jesus to life on that first Easter morning; and the Spirit of God living in us gives life to our mortal bodies. (Romans 8:11) * Phil Schmidt will join Mandy Yoder on the pastoral team at Belmont Mennonite Church, beginning April 15; his...


* As part of their April 24 meeting, Missional Leadership Team will meet with Annual Sessions planners, to hear more about plans for Annual Sessions. * Spring is a usual time for the Michigan Pastors and Leaders Summit. Dan Miller and Anna Board often attend. Can this...

Credentialing and Leadership Development

* Conversations with pastoral applicants is on the rise in this season of the year. Sharon had contact with 21 pastoral applicants in the month of March. * Members of the Ministry Credentialing Team recently hosted two credentialing interviews. We are blessed to hear...

Reflections from Constituency Leadership Council

“The recent Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) meeting revolved again around how to proceed with the Membership Guidelines. I experienced it as an emotionally intense meeting, over zoom with limited time.     The Executive Board (EB) is proposing retiring the...

IMMC looking for two Step-Up delegates for convention!

IMMC is looking for two youth or young adults, 16-21 years old, to serve as Step-Up delegates to the Mennonite Church USA delegate assembly this July. What young people in your congregation are interested in learning about how Mennonite Church USA functions? Send...

Financial Update

Income for March was $3,526 below expectations and $2,576 below expenses.  Year to date we are $25,243 below expectations and $8,656 below expenses.  We trust that income will be improving in the next month or two.  Thank you for your contributions. -Jim...

Bethany Christian Schools Updates

Bethany Christian Schools is seeing a full-time Marketing and Communications Manager, responsible for the overall success of the school’s marketing strategy. This position manages internal and external communication, social media accounts and the website, press...

Updates from Amigo

Amigo Centre is looking for their next Executive Director. This full-time position is responsible for the oversight of all programming, administration and maintenance of Amigo, offering strategic vision toward the future. This position also includes publicly...