IMMC Conference Pastor Search Update

IMMC Conference Co-Minister Candidate of Choice The MLT, along with the search committee, is delighted to recommend Joanne Gallardo as one of the Conference Co-Ministers beginning sometime in the Summer 2021. Both Sharon and Joanne will be .75 FTE in their respective...

IMMC Announcement

Becoming One – Annual Sessions 2021 – virtually and in person We welcome everyone to join virtually on Friday and in-person on Saturday for this year’s gathering. (Parts of Saturday are also available virtually. There will be worship, equipping and fellowship! Be...


* the work of the conference pastor search committee and Missional Leadership Team, and their recommendation that Joanne Gallardo join Sharon Yoder as conference co-minister.  * the virtual and in-person options for Annual Sessions next week!  * the Annual...


* IMMC staff and the East Goshen staff enjoyed in-person lunch together on June 2. Everyone has been vaccinated. These two groups shared a weekly break time together before covid. This was our first joint gathering since March 2020.   * IMMC staff and a couple of IMMC...

Credentialing and Leadership Development

* LET hosted a training for coaches on May 12 focused on pastor/congregation reviews.   * Ministry Credentialing Team recently developed a handout for credentialed leaders to invite careful and thoughtful use of social media.  * During the month of May, Sharon had...

Financial Updates

Contributions for May were $7,246 below expectations and $4,727 below expenses.  In the year to date column income is $14,419 below expectations but $5,734 above expenses. Thank you for your support. -Jim Norton, IMMC...

Updates from Amigo Centre

Amigo Centre is looking for their next Executive Director. This full-time position is responsible for the oversight of all programming, administration and maintenance of Amigo, offering strategic vision toward the future. This position also includes publicly...