Annual Sessions 2022

Annual Sessions 2022 will be held in Elkhart on June 17-18, with worship resources* provided for Sunday, June 19 to connect congregations with the ministry of conference. Register Today. *The worship resources for June 19 will include Opening Words/Call to Worship,...

From the Missional Leadership Team

The changing of seasons is a reminder that we live in a dynamic world. There is nothing static as we go from one season to another. Spring is a time for new life and new beginnings. Our conference doesn’t follow the seasonal cycles; however, we are in the final cycle...


Grant Miller will be ordained on May 22 at Kalamazoo Mennonite Fellowship, in their 5:30 pm worship service. Joanne Gallardo will officiate. Bethel Mennonite Church, Ashely, MI had their final worship service on Easter Sunday, April 17. A decision to close at this...


Joanne led worship for the Transition to Leadership group from AMBS at Camp Friedenswald April 21-23. Joanne will spend May 10-13 at Princeton Theological Seminary doing continuing ed work through the grant-funded Iron Sharpening Iron program. Mennonite chaplains from...

Credentialing and Leadership Development

Esther Lanting will conclude nearly 25 years of ministry at Hudson Lake Mennonite Church on May 31. Sharon will preach at Hudson Lake on June 12 and congregational coach Ruben Chupp will preach on June 19 as they wait for their transitional pastor to begin ministry....

Financial Update

Data for the “Pass-Through” figure was not available for this report but will be reflected in subsequent...

From Amigo Centre

Amigo Park – opens May 20, 2022. Think camping… call now to reserve your space for this summer! Phone: 269-651-2734 – leave a message for Caz and Sheila. Summer Camp Dates are posted on our web site. Registration is now open. We are still looking for camp staff...

Five Things Friday Roundup

Joanne is a monthly contributor to the Anabaptist World online. Check out her 5 Things Friday: Mental Health Awareness...

Worship Leaders’ Workshop

Voices Together Worship Leaders’ Workshop | May 14, 9 a.m.-noon (on Zoom) | sponsored by Benton Mennonite Church Anneli Loepp Thiessen and Katie Graber will provide background on worship resources in Voices Together, and the Voices Together Worship Leaders‘ ed.,...

Employment Opportunities

Mennonite Mission Network has several employment opportunities listed on their employment page. Mennonite Education Agency lists openings throughout Mennonite-affiliated schools on their employment page. Explore pastoral opportunities in Indiana-Michigan Mennonite...
Special Offering for Amigo Centre

Special Offering for Amigo Centre

Hello from Amigo Centre! My name is Jessica, and I am the new Executive Director at Amigo Centre.  For those of you that I have not yet met, I hope that we will have a chance to meet soon. As most of you know, 9 months ago Amigo was hit by a devastating...