From the Missional Leadership Team

It’s hard to imagine a world where everyone looks, acts, and speaks in the same ways. Where thoughts and ideas are prescribed to “classify” you as in or out. Where there is the notion that there is only one correct way of thinking and being. Yet that is what we are...


Summer changes in routines, the return to school-year rhythms, and God’s Presence throughout. The joint worship service of Elkhart area Mennonite churches held at Prairie Street Mennonite on July 24 and the generous offering of $1631 that was collected for La Posada...


All Teams Retreat, a gathering of all leadership teams in IN-MI Mennonite Conference will have their annual gathering at College Mennonite Church on September 16-17. Joanne preached at Walnut Hill Mennonite Church on August 7 and will be at College Mennonite On...

Credentialing and Leadership Development

Journey Program will kick off their fall semester September 9-11 at Amigo Centre. IMMC currently has 2 students in the program LET continues to be in conversation with the Corinthian Plan about the connections between pastoral growth and wholistic pastoral wellness....

From Amigo Centre

Amigo Park – Is open! Call to check for availability. Phone: 269-651-2734 – leave a message for Caz and Sheila. AMIGO POSITIONS AVAILABLE: We are taking applications for Program Director, Food Service Director, and a cook!  If you or someone you know has interest in...

Five Things Friday Roundup

Conference Co-Minister Joanne Gallardo writes monthly for the Anabaptist World. Check out this month’s Five Things Friday Roundup: It wasn’t the worst of times, but...

Accessibility Resolution Study Guide

“As members of MC USA, we commit to growing as communities of grace, joy and peace without barriers so that God’s healing and hope flow through all of us to the world regardless of ability.” At a special Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) delegate session on...

For Parents/Guardians of LGBTQ+ Children

Berkey Avenue Mennonite Fellowship has started a group for parents or guardians of LGBTQ+ children in Goshen-area Mennonite congregations. An introductory meeting will be held at Berkey on Saturday, August 27, from 9:00 to 11:00 am. The focus of this meeting will be...

Employment Opportunities

Mennonite Mission Network has several employment opportunities listed on their employment page. Mennonite Education Agency lists openings throughout Mennonite-affiliated schools on their employment page. Explore pastoral opportunities in Indiana-Michigan Mennonite...