“So much change in so little time. So many opportunities to lose track of so many important details. But so many opportunities for the Spirit to breathe anew. This last point is one reason why I relish change…through those [times] I have witnessed the Spirit’s leading when we yield ourselves to the Spirit.”

These are the words I wrote in last May’s WeLink article reflecting on the many changes that had occurred, and were about to occur, within our conference given staff transitions, conference team member changes, living into our Renewing a Vision focus, etc.

Six weeks ago the MLT met at East Goshen Mennonite Church…our first “normal” (non-Zoom, in-person, full-day) meeting since the summer. I sat around the distantly-spaced tables in gratitude soaking in the Spirit’s presence throughout our time together. There were new faces around our circle…new MLT members, new staff…along with new ideas, new insights, new energy, and new passion. 

“So much change in so little time…so many opportunities for the Spirit to breathe anew.”

Several days later Joanne Gallardo, one of our conference ministers, emailed me about something, and as a sidenote expressed, “I felt MLT went very well on Saturday!”

To which I replied, “Yes…I thought Saturday was fabulous!!! My heart and soul came away filled with much gratitude for where IMMC leadership (i.e. staff, MLT) is now and positioned for the future (i.e. ‘not there yet, but well on the way!’). 🙂 ”

I am grateful. 


— Bob Yoder, Post-Moderator