- Amigo Park – Is open! Call to check for availability. Phone: 269-651-2734 – leave a message for Caz and Sheila.
- AMIGO POSITIONS AVAILABLE: We are taking applications for Program Director, Food Service Director, and a cook! If you or someone you know has interest in any of these positions, please reach out to us by calling us at 269-651-2811 or emailing Jessica at Jessica@amigocentre.org.
- Register now! Amigo Bike Michiana for MCC is scheduled for September 16-18. If you would like to become a sponsor, contact mandy@amigocentre.org. To register or for additional information, go to our web site: https://www.amigocentre.org/amigo-bike-michiana.html
- Amigo Scrapbooking, Crafting and Sewing Retreats. Online registration is now open for the dates listed below. See the web for additional details.
- September 22-25
- December 1-5
- October 3-5, 2022, Amigo Centre will host Transitional Ministry Training for individuals interested in leading congregations through a process of preparation for a new chapter of leadership. Visit tmt.amigocentre.org for additional information, or contact Amigo Centre at 269.651.2811.